Privacy policy
General introduction and provisions
Swap Support B.V., located at Benoordenhoutseweg 46, 2596 BC in The Hague, is responsible for the processing of personal data as shown in this privacy statement. Due to complete transparency with our customers, we have formulated and implemented a policy regarding this processing. The purpose of this is to enable our website visitors to exercise their right in the best way possible.
We do not place analytical cookies and / or tracking cookies on your computer, mobile phone or tablet until you accept the use of cookies and other tracking systems on the website ( By continuing the visit of this website, you accept the following user conditions.
Laws and regulations
We follow the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG). This is the Dutch elaboration of the European regulation that applies to all member states of the European Union. The AVG came into effect on May 25, 2018 and follows the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The AVG imposes requirements on the use of information that can be traced to natural persons.
Dutch law applies to this privacy statement. The court of Swap Support B.V’s office in Amsterdam is exclusively competent in any disputes concerning these conditions, except when a legal exception applies.
We process data in different systems. In addition, our website also resides under the legal provisions mentioned above.
Why do we collect information?
At Swap Support we work hard every day to support you in the use of your Performance Management application(s). In order to be able to offer this service well, we need your personal data.
In addition, we use the data that we obtain through our website to analyze, maintain, secure and optimize our website.
The data from both the website and the data we process in our other data sources can also be used for targeted sales and marketing purposes. We will always provide the opportunity to no longer receive this information. If you have any questions or comments about this, you can always send them to
How long do we keep your data?
We keep the data we collect as short as possible and, where possible, anonymous. In the context of the preservation of history, data is saved in an anonymized form as much as possible. This does not apply to data that is bound by legal provisions. These are stored in accordance with the statutory requirements.
To whom are your details provided?
We do not provide data to third parties, unless this is permitted by law and is necessary. For example tax authorities, municipalities, subpoenas, court orders and actions to detect fraud.
You also have the right to inspect your data. If you submit a written request for access to your data, these will only be provided to you if there is sufficient certainty that you are who you say you are. You have the right to change your data when you detect that your data has been processed incorrectly. In addition, you also have the right to delete your data if the data is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected and processed and legally no longer required to be retained. Requests for this can be directed to
If Swap Support, in connection with changed circumstances, decides to process or provide data in a different way than was known at the time they were collected, the person concerned will be informed about this change in accordance with the AVG.
Protecting your privacy is important to you and us. That is why our systems and programs are adequately secured. We have management procedures to keep that information accurate, up-to-date and complete and do not allow unauthorized persons within or outside our organization access to your personal data. We have a formal process in place for handling security incidents.
This privacy statement applies to our web pages and all other internal processing. This privacy statement does not apply to internet sites of third parties that are connected to this internet site by means of links.
Changes to the privacy statement
The text of this privacy statement can be adjusted by us in view of new developments, for example in the context of changing business activities. Where necessary, we also adjust the privacy statement by legislative changes and case law. In addition, we reserve the right to change the statement without prior notice. You can assume that the version on the website is always the latest version.
For questions, product information or information about the website itself, please contact